If you want to create an instance that uses ephemeral storage, meaning the instance data is lost when the instance is deleted, then choose one of the following boot sources:
- Image: This option uses an image to boot the instance.
- Instance Snapshot: This option uses an instance snapshot to boot the instance.
If you want to create an instance that uses persistent storage, meaning the instance data is saved when the instance is deleted, then select one of the following boot options:
- Image (with Create New Volume checked): This options uses an image to boot the instance, and creates a new volume to persist instance data. You can specify volume size and whether to delete the volume on deletion of the instance.
- Volume: This option uses a volume that already exists. It does not create a new volume. You can choose to delete the volume on deletion of the instance. Note: when selecting Volume, you can only launch one instance.
- Volume Snapshot: This option uses a volume snapshot to boot the instance, and creates a new volume to persist instance data. You can choose to delete the volume on deletion of the instance.